domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009

Being Chilean

For me, being Chilean doesn’t mean anything special, I mean, I like be Chilean, but I would like too being Argentine or Canadian, I don´t know, my nationality doesn’t mean so much for me. Of course that the fact of being born in Chile has a lot of benefits, for example, we live under democracy, in religious matters is a free country and things are not so corrupt as are in other countries. I think that every day Chile is getting better, so I´m not ashamed to be Chilean, but as I say at first, I don´t pay much attention to this.
Something that I can highlight about Chilean people is that we are very enthusiastic, especially when there are soccer games, or for 18-19Th of September and this is very cool.
About 11th of September, I think that is a date that definitely marked to Chile, I´m not for some politic hand, but I think that the things that happened in 11Th of September are not complete bad or good. Is true that many people died or are missing, but perhaps, if it had not happened, Chile would remain in poverty and people had died of hunger. I have traveled to Bolivia, and this country is very poor, and my uncle (who lived during the Allende and Pinochet government) told me that before 11Th of September Chile looked exactly like Bolivia, like a country in ruins.
Anyway, I think it is unacceptable murder people, but unfortunately this is the only way that man has learned to solve his problem :( .

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009


I think that the transantiago is better than the old system (the yellow buses) because the transantiago is more sophisticated in many ways, for example, the Bip system I really like, is easier and faster than the money way, furthermore, the transantiago less polluting than the yellow bus, so now the city is cleaner than before.
Is true that the beginning of this new transport system was all a mess , probably due to the change was too fast, I saw on TV how people had to wait for hours the bus! . Lucky me, I started to use the transantiago only since the last year (because my mom drove me at the school or wherever I went), and at that moment the systems was more regulated and I had not bigger problems ;)
Something that maybe have not been fixed yet is the number of buses that pass in a period of time, sometime pass 3 buses together and then don`t pass none in 30 minutes or more.
But in spite of all, I like the transantiago, I think that people are learned to used and to take care for the bus and as I said before, for me, the big contribution of the transantiago is that is helping to make for Santiago a city more beautiful, the pollution has decreased a lot, and that doesn’t help only to Santiago, help to all our planet!!

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009


The country that I would like to go is France, especially for Paris, which is the capital of France. I think that is an amazing city, is so glamorous, bohemia and fashion!
If I was in Paris, I would like to know principally the Palais Garnier which is a theatre that combines ballet and opera. It most to be so wonderful see a ballet performance in there, because is so big and extremely beautiful from outside and even more from inside.
Another place that I wold like to visit is the Eiffel Tower, I think that is one of the most striking construction that I have ever seen, is so big and uncommon, and of course, so romantic!
I would like to know too the Palace of Versailles which is a half hour outside of Paris, and is one of the world's biggest historical museums. The inside of the museums is charming, but the gardens are extraordinarily charming!
Respect the fashion, Paris is the city of “Haute Couture”, so I know that I will have a lot of entertaining days making shopping. (I hope to have a lot of money too!).
Spite of that I really like Paris, I would like to go only for vacation, but not for living. I think that I want to live in some country more natural, I mean, that make me feel more connected with the nature, like Australia or Canada, but for have a good vacation, Paris is definitely the right place!!