domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

My experience learning English at the university

The English is known as the universal language, this make it an essential language in the live of any professional person. For all the new knowledge that appears every day, known English is almost a condition especially for the people associated to the health areas, like are veterinary doctors. Today all the papers or scientific journals that contain valuable information about veterinary found in English, so if you don’t have time to search in a dictionary or in a translator word for word you have to learn English, and this is my case.
For my, learn English wasn´t so hard, because in the primary school I had a lot of English class, so when I started in the university I already had a solid basis. Anyway in my first years of university I left in the beginner level of English, in this level I did not learn new things instead I star to remember some things that I have forgotten, for example some rules of grammatical.
At the second semester of the years, I passed to the next level of English called pre intermediate; this level was completely different to the beginner, because in here, I start to learn a lot of new things like how to pronounce the words. One of the tests of this level was an oral presentation about of any issue related to veterinary medicine, I spoke about animal testing and for my was a great experience because not only learned new vocabulary, I learned things associated with my career.
Currently I´m making the level pilot of English, in this I´m doing an integration of everything I've learned in these last years, in this course the teacher can talking more with the students because now we all understand what the professor is saying and we can answer with a good use of vocabulary.
For all the importance that have and will continues having the English language, I hope that in the future I can continue specializing in English, especially start to learn more of the vocabulary associated with veterinary. Nowadays, to read in English has made me easier some subjects in the university, where the professor makes me read or seek for information that is all in English, because it take me less time compared to some university friends who do not have a good use of English.
I know too that this investment of time learning English will help me a lot when I start looking for work, because the knowledge English opens many doors in Chile and even more in foreign parts.

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009


With the time all the things changes, and veterinary is not the exception. These changes have been expressed in different areas, as are:

I thinks that this area has been one of the more changes has experiment over the time and has been of great help in matters relating to veterinary
The current technology has made a big contribution to the scientific developed. For example now are solutions to some diseases that a time ago had no cure. Thanks to the technology now exist new identification system (like some electronics chips) for animals, especially for the animals used in production, which makes it easier to work with these animals.
Another contribution has been the discover from genetic lineal, which has enable make genetic improvement in different animal species this has been one of the better use from the current technology, because has enabled highlight specific characteristic from animals (e.g.: enlarge the udders of cows, decreasing the size of some breeds of dogs or improving the physical capabilities of some horses) making them more effective or more beautiful .

Social matters
The importance of animals has grown over the years, for example, now a dog is not a simple animal, is a new family member. This has made that people begin to worry about animal welfare.
Currently exists laws that protect animals, unfortunately there are not so much o are not respected, but I think that with the time the concern for animals will grow and will be more laws that will be stricter and animal rights will be respected.

With the time, the new knowledge will increase, so education will also have to increase. As veterinary doctors we have to keep up with all new knowledge, so that, education is essential in our careers.
The education towards animals not only affect to the veterinary doctor, should also affect all people that have any animal, unfortunately, nowadays people are very ignorant and some treat their animals without any care. In the time, I hope that the education of people about animals start to be better , because today most people still do not learn to care and respect animals in the right way.

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009


My faculty has made a lot of new installations, like new classrooms, but still there are many things that must be repaired, for example the cafeteria is horrible! The food is bad, the place is dirty and the service is too slow, moreover the cafeteria is too small for all students, so sometimes there is no place to sit and eat. For this reason I don´t eat the food of the cafeteria and I bring food of my house, but this is not very comfortable, because the lunch takes much space in my bag and sometimes my book do not fit!! So I have to decide if I fit my lunch or my books! For these reasons I think that a new cafeteria will be great!
Another thing that doesn’t work well is the computers, I think that the number of computer is appropriate; the problem is that almost a 50% of that don´t work; the 25% have problems to work, and only a 25 % work property. The faculty could make an investment in new computers, because we use a lot internet and we need computers for that. Currently the bad working of computer make that I can´t work in the university and I have to do my homework in my house, if computers worked better I could do my homework’s in the university and with that I would make less at home.
With only fix these two things I think that the facilities would improve, and all the students and professors will feel more comfortable and happy.

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009

Scientists use stem cells to grow fully functioning teeth in mice

Scientists from Japan have achieved that fully functioning teeth have been grown from stem cells planted in the mouths of mice. This researches could prove not only to be an important step towards being able to replace teeth in humans but eventually replacing organs, lost or damaged as a result of disease, injury or ageing.
The experiment consisted in removed the upper first molars from five-week-old mice. Then three weeks later, after confirming that no remaining components of the tooth root were present, they transplanted the germs into the jawbones of the mice. The seed-like tissues contained all the cells and instructions necessary to grow a tooth.
The current technology has already been used to develop limited tissues that could be transplanted into animals, but in this experiment was the first time a fresh three dimensional organ had been grown in a living animal from just a few cells.
This study could provide a prelude to the ability to grow new, fully functional bioengineered organs inside the body from stem cells or other germ cells.
Researchers propose this technology as a model for future organ replacement therapies. This study represents a substantial advance and emphasizes the potential for bioengineered organ replacement in future regenerative therapies .

miƩrcoles, 21 de octubre de 2009


My favorite animal is the cheetah; this animal belongs to the family of the felines and its main feature is that is one of the faster animals over the earth.
The cheetah lives in the African savannah and is an agile hunter, but unfortunately is a little shy to defend its food and other animals constantly steal it from him
Since I was a little girl I like cheetahs, I don’t remember when or where was the first time that I saw him , but I thinks I may have seen on TV or maybe in a book of animals that was in my house.
What I like most about the cheetah is the way it moves, is so fine, like it was flying over the grass. I like too the anatomy of cheetahs, they are so thin, with extremely long and strong legs and its color is beautiful and original, has a yellow body with brown spots.
I love watch TV programs where cheetahs are running, I thinks that they should feel so free!. One thing that I don’t like so much is see a cheetahs hunting , because normally they eat gazelles, and gazelles are so pretty too! They are fast and thin and have longs legs too, but I like more cheetahs because for me, they have more character, are most strong and are hairier than the gazelles (being hairy makes it sweeter!).
I hope that someday can see in live a cheetah (of course that from a safe place) o touch a baby cheetah!. Well, until that happens, I will have to conform hugging to my teddy cheetah!

domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009

what to do/ where to go in Santiago

Santiago is the capital from Chile. I think that Santiago is a nice city, can be better of course, but is not so bad.
In January of this year, my cousin that live in Canada, came to Chile for first time, so we made together a mini tour for Santiago, and the places that I liked more were:
1. National Museum of Natural History
This museum is in Quinta Normal, beside to the station of metro Quinta normal, and is so interesting, have a lot of characteristic things for the different regions of Chile, is like make a mini travel through all Chile!! One of the things that I left more impressed was a blue whale skeleton, was huge! (Is in the picture)
2. Santa Lucia Hill
The hill Santa Lucia is a place that definitely have to visit, is very nice, with a lot of nature, and is not so tall, so doesn’t take many time get to the climb where there is an extraordinary view for Santiago.
3. La Moneda palace
“La Moneda” is the seat of government, the building has a very nice design, and the outdoors gardens are very nice too. The picture that I have, was taken for a police man who was very kind in accept take us a photo!!
4. The Dominican village
This village is a kind of giant craft fair, have a lot of memories from Chile, unfortunately is a little expensive, but some things worth the money.
5 .Bellas Artes museum
This museum has many exhibitions of paintings and statues, and apart from that, the infrastructure of the museum is beautiful, making it a nice place to take

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009

Being Chilean

For me, being Chilean doesn’t mean anything special, I mean, I like be Chilean, but I would like too being Argentine or Canadian, I don´t know, my nationality doesn’t mean so much for me. Of course that the fact of being born in Chile has a lot of benefits, for example, we live under democracy, in religious matters is a free country and things are not so corrupt as are in other countries. I think that every day Chile is getting better, so I´m not ashamed to be Chilean, but as I say at first, I don´t pay much attention to this.
Something that I can highlight about Chilean people is that we are very enthusiastic, especially when there are soccer games, or for 18-19Th of September and this is very cool.
About 11th of September, I think that is a date that definitely marked to Chile, I´m not for some politic hand, but I think that the things that happened in 11Th of September are not complete bad or good. Is true that many people died or are missing, but perhaps, if it had not happened, Chile would remain in poverty and people had died of hunger. I have traveled to Bolivia, and this country is very poor, and my uncle (who lived during the Allende and Pinochet government) told me that before 11Th of September Chile looked exactly like Bolivia, like a country in ruins.
Anyway, I think it is unacceptable murder people, but unfortunately this is the only way that man has learned to solve his problem :( .