lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009


With the time all the things changes, and veterinary is not the exception. These changes have been expressed in different areas, as are:

I thinks that this area has been one of the more changes has experiment over the time and has been of great help in matters relating to veterinary
The current technology has made a big contribution to the scientific developed. For example now are solutions to some diseases that a time ago had no cure. Thanks to the technology now exist new identification system (like some electronics chips) for animals, especially for the animals used in production, which makes it easier to work with these animals.
Another contribution has been the discover from genetic lineal, which has enable make genetic improvement in different animal species this has been one of the better use from the current technology, because has enabled highlight specific characteristic from animals (e.g.: enlarge the udders of cows, decreasing the size of some breeds of dogs or improving the physical capabilities of some horses) making them more effective or more beautiful .

Social matters
The importance of animals has grown over the years, for example, now a dog is not a simple animal, is a new family member. This has made that people begin to worry about animal welfare.
Currently exists laws that protect animals, unfortunately there are not so much o are not respected, but I think that with the time the concern for animals will grow and will be more laws that will be stricter and animal rights will be respected.

With the time, the new knowledge will increase, so education will also have to increase. As veterinary doctors we have to keep up with all new knowledge, so that, education is essential in our careers.
The education towards animals not only affect to the veterinary doctor, should also affect all people that have any animal, unfortunately, nowadays people are very ignorant and some treat their animals without any care. In the time, I hope that the education of people about animals start to be better , because today most people still do not learn to care and respect animals in the right way.

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