domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009


My faculty has made a lot of new installations, like new classrooms, but still there are many things that must be repaired, for example the cafeteria is horrible! The food is bad, the place is dirty and the service is too slow, moreover the cafeteria is too small for all students, so sometimes there is no place to sit and eat. For this reason I don´t eat the food of the cafeteria and I bring food of my house, but this is not very comfortable, because the lunch takes much space in my bag and sometimes my book do not fit!! So I have to decide if I fit my lunch or my books! For these reasons I think that a new cafeteria will be great!
Another thing that doesn’t work well is the computers, I think that the number of computer is appropriate; the problem is that almost a 50% of that don´t work; the 25% have problems to work, and only a 25 % work property. The faculty could make an investment in new computers, because we use a lot internet and we need computers for that. Currently the bad working of computer make that I can´t work in the university and I have to do my homework in my house, if computers worked better I could do my homework’s in the university and with that I would make less at home.
With only fix these two things I think that the facilities would improve, and all the students and professors will feel more comfortable and happy.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Lore!

    I agree with you about the cafeteria! it's very small to all the students!!
    And I have the same problem with the lunch in my bag xDD

    take care!
